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This ‘mini-veterinarian school journey’ for kids offers a wondrous array of fun and exciting props and activities through which children explore the world of veterinarian medicine, science, health and pet care taking. The workbook engages little veterinarians with activities that are as fun as they are enlightening: adopting, naming, and learning about a dog, learning about healthy snacks dogs can eat, measuring the chest size perimeter and front leg length of the dog, performing a ‘Nose to Tail Exam,’ doing a tick check and removing tick stickers from the dog, and both an introductory and graduation ceremony. The How To Be A Veterinarian Kit promotes social development, cooperation, teamwork, creativity and problem-solving, among other skills.
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源出处网页链接: https://www.littlemedicalschool.com/product/little-veterinarian-kit-2

观看次数: 2272


Product ID: 130921

专辑号: 5915

Brand: Little Medical School

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